
  • Invest in Communities: We know that the best way to promote public safety is to invest in our communities. We will use asset forfeiture funds and money saved from reductions in detention to support young people whose lives become entangled in the criminal legal system, as well as community-driven restorative justice programs.

  • Advocate for Justice in Albany: We will be vocal champions of decarceration and racial justice legislation in Albany. On Day 1, we will pull Manhattan out of the District Attorneys Association of New York. DAASNY has long been a special state-level interest group for punitive policies and unfettered prosecutorial power, a group that Vance and other NYC District Attorneys have let do their political dirty work.

  • Release Data: We will break through the opacity of the criminal legal system by using open and transparent data practices. We will regularly publish robust statistics on case outcomes and plea bargains.

  • Establish a Community Advisory Board: We will build a community board of formerly incarcerated people, survivors of crime, law enforcement and other impacted people so that we may effectively respond to new and urgent concerns from community members, while also providing the public with desired information regarding our office’s practices.

  • Reject Campaign Donations from Conflicted Sources: You can tell a candidate’s values by who funds their campaign. We reject corporate & real estate donations, and contributions from entities & law firms that we believe will have business before the Manhattan DA’s office. Finally, we will not seek or accept donations from law enforcement unions.